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Behrooz Zindashti

The third line

There are no readable texts and meaningful writings in my works. No poem or prose, no tradition or verse or even a wise advice are there to be found! That is to say, I have not written any statement or sentence with the intention to be read. Instead I have picked up the brush and started writing on the canvas. In an improvising manner and close to one another I have written varieties of forms holding letters and words; the ones that seemed to me the most elegant and appropriate at that given time and thus, I have accumulated the entire area of my work with intertwined and twisted writings. Therefore, I leave the reading of the illegible texts of my works to the audiences so that they read them in any way the like or desire and with any mood or psychological conditions they find themselves in when facing the work. It is as simple as that…!

Behrooz Zindashti 

May 2016