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Mohammad Mehdi Tabatabaie

Monoptych, State, Triptych

The term “State” comes from its Latin root “Stare”, which means to stand, and to be more precise it is

adopted from the term “Status”, meaning a stable and steady position. Nowadays, the word “Status” is

used in its original Latin meaning. It refers to something steady and well-built which is _xed and stable in

a particular position. The application of this concept has been very delicately transferred from individuals

to organizations and political powers.

(Taken from “State Theories” written by Andrew Vincent)

People are divided into two categories, the governing class and the governed class. The governing class

is the “State” and the governed class is the “Nation”. This expression appeared _rst during the

constitutional era prior to which, “Nation” had a different meaning.

“State” and “Nation” create an integrated concept called “Nation-State”.

Whenever we use the term “Nation”, we should know that it has taken a new meaning in our modern

age that puts “State” and “Nation” next to one another, regardless of religion and nationality, and within

geographical borders called “Country”.

Monoptych, “State”, Triptych

The concept of this collection refers to Iran’s state, after the revolution of 1979. The works on the wall

represent the “State”, and the visitors play the role of the “Nation”.

Mohamad Mehdi Tabatabaie