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Zarvan Rohbakhshan- Mahmoud Mahroumi

The Compatibility of Paradox

Our world today is overwhelmed with a compatible paradox.

It is impossible, and
the impossibility seems to be crystal clear. Still, accepting such parody is a delusion, while not accepting it does not seem to be reasonable either.
For it is the situation that naturalizes such compatibility. Nowadays our life is full of compatibility of paradox. We could go on about such contradictory statement, yet the story seems to be finished before it actually begins. It is because the compatibility within the paradoxical  directions and orientations is not possible.

What you are about to confront, is our circumstantial expression of paradox; observed in individual and/or social thoughts and experiences that are not necessarily essential to state.

However, what is essential to   discuss in this mess?

Is it the meaning?
Is it thought or the paradox resulting from the thought?

Zarvan Rouhbakhshan- 2016

(Translated by Narges Marandi)